For the 10th consecutive year, Asante has been named a 15 Top Health System in the country, and Asante Rogue Regional is a Top 100 Hospital for the ninth time. Merative, formerly IBM Watson Health, released the 2022 rankings last week.
“What makes this year’s recognitions more impressive is that the metrics used to determine this year’s winners were from 2020, the first year of the pandemic,” said Jamie Grebosky, MD, Asante’s chief medical officer. “Given the unprecedented challenges we faced that year and knowing that we continued to meet or exceed patient quality and safety standards, speaks volumes to the commitment and dedication of our employees.”
For the 15 Top list, Merative evaluated the clinical outcomes, operational efficiency and patient experience of 349 health systems and 3,206 hospitals that are members of health systems, including major teaching facilities such as Mayo Clinic to small, rural community health systems like Asante.
“Out of all the health systems in the country that were studied, Asante is the only one to achieve and sustain this level of success year after year for a decade,” CEO Scott Kelly said. “That’s truly remarkable given the high standards required to make the list.”
Organizations on the Merative 15 Top Health Systems list had lower inpatient mortality and fewer patient complications; delivered care that resulted in fewer hospital-acquired infections; had lower 30-day readmission rates; sent patients home sooner; kept episode-of-care expenses low, both in-hospital and through the aftercare process; and scored higher on patient ratings of their overall hospital experience.
“This award is incredibly meaningful to our employees and providers who strive every day to make sure our patients get the care they need with the best possible outcomes,” Kelly said. “Please join me in thanking our employees, providers and volunteers for making this happen.”
ARRMC among the best in the nation
For the 100 Top Hospital award, Merative evaluated the 2020 metrics of 2,650 short-term, acute care, nonfederal hospitals on clinical and operational performance indicators to compile its list.
“Looking back two years, knowing what our community,our patients and our employees were going through during the height of the pandemic, makes this year’s award all the more meaningful,” said Mick Zdeblick, CEO of ARRMC. “That was a year when living our Mission was never more critical — to deliver unwavering, compassionate, quality care to the people who live in the communities we serve.”
Merative compared survival rates, patient complications, health care associated infections, 30-day mortality and 30-day hospital-wide readmission rates, lengths of stay, inpatient expenses and patient ratings among hospitals of similar size.
Rankings also incorporated a community health component to assess how a hospital contributes to critical services and preventive care; community partnerships with local organizations to implement critical programs; and support of local economic and social progress.
“As a physician, I appreciate that this award includes metrics for community health-based equity in addition to the clinical data,” said Somnath Ghosh, MD, vice president of Medical Affairs. “This is one area of primary focus of work at Asante, to look at the health of our community as a whole and address priority needs.”
Merative is a data, analytics and technology partner for the health industry. Organizations do not apply or pay to participate in the study, and award winners do not pay to promote this honor. Visit for the complete list of winners and more information.