2022 Annual VIA: Vicki Johnston


It’s a special health care leader who cares for her team as much as she cares for patients. For these reasons and countless more, Vicki Johnston's team at the Contact Center nominated her for the 2022 Annual Values in Action award, Asante’s highest honor.

It’s a special health care leader who cares for her team as much as she cares for patients. Yet Vicki Johnston demonstrates in ways large and small that her co-workers are just as valued as the people Asante serves.

She shows this when she asks her staff to share their vacation photos — and awards a prize to the winner. Or when she delivers homemade care baskets to employees working at home. Or when she jumps on the phone to help with high call volumes. Or the many, many extra steps she takes to communicate changes that affect her staff or to solve a problem.

Every thoughtful gesture is time out of her busy schedule supporting nine specialty clinics and an urgent care location. Yet every genuine act of caring has brought its own reward: a team where staff members feel heard, supported and appreciated.

“I have said this many a time and I’ll say it again,” said Heather Derry, a patient access support representative. “Vicki is one of the top two supervisors I’ve had the privilege to work for in my career.”

For these reasons and countless more, her team at the Contact Center nominated her for the 2022 Annual Values in Action award, Asante’s highest honor.

Johnston has earned her team’s and boss Patty Kroloff’s respect not only for her kindness but also her competence. The pandemic disrupted many Asante operations, leading to rapid change and inevitable confusion. Johnston would sleuth out the cause of a problem or communication gap and work with her team to develop a solution.

“No matter the task she is always willing to help,” said Amber Havel, a patient access support representative. “If she does not know the answer, she does everything in her power to find a resolution.”

Kroloff, Contact Center director, echoes that sentiment: “When Vicki says she will do something, you can count on it being done.”

But it’s her personal approach to leadership that has most affected her team.

“My 16-year-old dog got very sick,” said Erin Ohara, a quality assurance specialist. “Vicki would ask me each day how my dog was doing. My dog passed away a few days later and I needed to take the day off. Vicki not only sent a message to check in on me, she also brought me a card.”

“When I was out sick, she made sure I had everything I needed,” said patient access support rep Colleen Beaver. “She also took time out of her weekend to make sure I had the COVID tests I needed for my appointment with Employee Health.”

Vicki Johnston
Vicki Johnston’s family: A big heart gets big support.

Johnston’s family shared their support by joining her at the Annual VIA ceremony in November. On the call were her husband, Tom, who also works as a patient access rep for Asante, and her sister-in-law, Helen, who joined from Pennsylvania.

“I just love them all, and I love my work family,” Johnston said. “I appreciate all they do for me and to help Asante.”

In gratitude for her contributions to Asante’s Values, Johnston was given a charcuterie box, flowers, badge backer, gift card and personalized crystal award.

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