A Summertime Savior: Oregon’s Summer Food Service Program 

Child receiving food.


Discover how Oregon's Summer Food Service Program ensures kids receive nutritious meals during summer. Learn how to locate your nearest meal site and the community benefits of this inclusive initiative.

As summer arrives, it’s crucial for families to ensure their children have access to nutritious meals every day. That’s where the Summer Food Service Program, known as “Summer Meals,” comes to the rescue. This initiative provides children with consistent access to healthy and balanced meals throughout the summer months. 

A Lifeline for Hungry Kids: Oregon’s Summer Food Service Program 

This invaluable initiative runs in communities throughout Oregon and is committed to providing free meals and snacks to all children aged 1-18. What sets the Summer Food Service Program apart is its emphasis on inclusivity. All families are welcomed with open arms, regardless of income or immigration status and without the need for paperwork or any form of verification. As long as the children come during the site’s set mealtimes, a wholesome and hearty meal awaits them. 

Beyond Food: Engaging Activities and Learning Opportunities 

Besides offering meals, many of these summer programs also engage the children with entertaining and educational activities to keep them active, foster a love for learning and build a community spirit. 

Finding a Meal Site Made Easy: Discover Options Near You 

Every summer, Oregon lights up with summer meal sites peppered across the state. Depending on the program, they may serve breakfast, lunch, snacks or supper, sometimes accompanied by interactive learning activities for the children to enjoy before and after meals. 

Locating a meal site in your area is easy thanks to several user-friendly options: 

  • Call 2-1-1: Helpful operators can guide you to the nearest meal site and provide the necessary information. 
  • Text for Help: Send “Food” or “Comida” to 304-304. You’ll be asked for an address and will receive a list of nearby meal sites. 
  • Use the USDA Meals for Kids Map: This handy tool helps you search for meal site information within your chosen area. 

A Community’s Commitment: Ensuring Health and Opportunity for Every Child 

The Summer Food Service Program is a testament to our community’s commitment to ensuring every child has access to healthy meals, even when school is out for summer. So, let’s make the most of this fantastic initiative to ensure our children are well-fed, active, and ready to embrace all summer opportunities! 

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