Eight habits that can help you better deal with holiday stress. 


Eight habits that can help you better deal with holiday stress. 

Eight habits to deal with holiday stress 

The holidays are a time of joy, best enjoyed surrounded by family and friends. But they can also be a time of stress. There are many things to do and so much pressure to make everything perfect. But it’s also important to take some time for yourself. Here are eight habits that can help you better deal with holiday stress. 

Positive affirmations 

Repeating positive affirmations is a great way to change your mindset from negative to positive. Here are some easy ones to start with:  

  • “I allow myself to feel grief and then let it go.”  
  • “Today is for healing.”  
  • “I will focus is on my blessings.”  
  • “May I be happy, may I be healthy, may I live with ease.”  

By repeating positive words and phrases to yourself in the morning, or whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed, you can validate your feelings and then let them go until you have the time and energy to process them. 

Listen to music 

Are you feeling stressed? Take a break, put on some headphones and listen to your favorite album or song. Music is a great way to relax and find your inner peace. Whether it’s classical, rock, jazz Christmas carols or something else entirely, listening to music offers many benefits, including reducing stress levels and boosting our mood.  

Laughter is the best medicine 

It’s true what they say; laughter is the best medicine! So, spend time with your loved ones  human or animal and let the giggles flow. Laughter releases feel-good hormones and endorphins, providing natural relief from stress and pain. 


Keeping a journal can be helpful for decompressing at the end of a day or even starting your day off right. Write down a few things you’re grateful for. This will set the tone for the rest of the day and help you stay focused and positive. 

Get outside 

There’s nothing like spending time in nature to relieve stress and refresh your spirit. With chilly mornings and crisp leaves falling, now is the perfect time to get outside and enjoy the season. When you’re experiencing strong emotions, it can help to go outside and put that energy back into nature. This will likely lessen negative feelings. 

Limit backlit screens 

Too much time spent looking at backlit screens can be detrimental to our health. That’s one of the main reasons people choose to do a social media detox. Social media provides many benefits that can be extremely helpful but taking breaks from it is also important. By disconnecting yourself from social media for a set amount of time each day or week, you can refocus your energy and attention on things happening right in front of you. 

30-second dance party 

Endorphins, the feel-good hormone, are released during exercise. Even a short burst of dancing for 30 seconds can have benefits. It might not seem like much but moving your body and enjoying music can positively impact your mood, even if it’s just for half a minute. So put on your favorite song or album and let yourself go! 

Read or watch a movie 

If you’re looking for a way to escape reality, reading and watching films can provide excellent opportunities to get lost in another world. Readers can disappear into the lives of their favorite characters or explore entirely new worlds and concepts within the pages of a book. Alternatively, movies transport viewers away from their everyday lives and into lifelike stories on the big screen. Whether you’re seeking adventure, romance, suspense, laughter, or anything in between,there’s guaranteed to be a book or movie out there for you. 

Happy holidays 

The holidays come just once a year, so make sure to enjoy them! 


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